As winter approaches and the cold weather sets in our bodies start to feel run down so it is important that we listen to our body and give ourselves a little extra care. We have some natural cold remedies that you can make at home with ingredients from your kitchen cupboard.
Herbal Teas
If you feel the cold coming on make sure you drink plenty of hot drinks. Swap your coffee for herbal teas without caffeine. Build your immune system with hot water with lemon and honey. The anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial qualities of honey makes it one of the most appreciated natural healing remedies for the immune system. Having regularly honey and lemon, which is fortified with vitamin C, will keep all the illnesses, diseases and allergies at bay. Try some homemade herbal teas by infusing garden herbs like rosemary, thyme or basil in hot water. Both of these herbs are anti inflammatory and will help build the immune system.
One of the best tips we have been given for a sore throat or scratchy throat is to gargle with sage tea. This works wonders almost immediately due to the antiseptic and antibiotic properties of sage.
Hot water with salt or tea tree oil also works well as a mouth wash for sore throats or oral infections but wont taste too good if you swallow it.
Pineapple Remedy
Pineapple is a wonderful source of nutrients, are loaded with healthy antioxidants and boost the immune system. Bromelain, an enzyme found in pineapple juice, is used by some people for a variety of medical purposes (including reducing swelling of the nose and sinuses after surgery or injury and for the treatment of hay fever).
Pineapple juice, honey, ginger, cayenne, and salt
One traditional cough remedy is to blend pineapple juice with honey, ginger, salt, and a little cayenne pepper. The cayenne helps expel mucus while the honey and ginger soothe the throat and offer anti-inflammatory properties.
For this remedy, blend together:
- 1 cup pineapple juice
- 1 tsp. minced or chopped ginger
- 1 tbsp. honey
- 1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper
- 1/4 tsp. salt
Drink 1/4 cup up to three times per day. It’s important not to give raw honey to children under 1 year of age.
Why not try growing your own pineapple? Happy diy home have a guide on how to do this
Decongestant Balm
Our Tone muscle balm works as a wonderful decongestant thanks to the eucalyptus and the warming properties of rosemary and marjoram. Rub a small amount on your chest or into the soles of your feet to help clear blocked sinuses.